Forgetting Feet played their last two concerts at the Copenhagen Jazz Festival on May 17, and July 8th, 2015. However, the adventure which is this band is not over and as any old friendship, can be reactivated should the occasion present itself. But for now, the memory of Forgetting Feet lives on in our hearts and in our minds.
ALL THREE ALBUMS, originally released on CD between 2005 and 2010, can be streamed wherever music streams can be found.
Much love to all of our supporters and to the lovers of music and poetry everywhere!
Stream Forgetting Feet Albums here or on your favourite streaming site:
iTunes/Apple Music: Forgetting Feet albums
Spotify: Forgetting Feet albums
09. apr 2015
Forgetting Feet may well play a couple of rare shows again this summer. We are looking forward to the possibility! There are still a few calendars that need to by sync’ed, but we are working on a possible venue nonetheless.
21. feb 2011
click here for iTunes in Denmark or search for Forgetting Feet on iTunes in your country.
13. okt 2010
The release concert went well and we are now looking forward to two more concerts this week in Jutland. Thanks to everyone who came and supported us yesterday!
15. sep 2010
I am proud to announce the release of BIRDS CAME SUDDENLY, our third cd. The CD hits the streets October 8th and we will have a release concertOctober 12th at LiteraturHaus in Copehagen. 9pm.
stay tuned for more details!
13. sep 2010
April came and went with no cd in hand. It’s been a lot of work to get the cover just right and time has not been abundant. But having received the cd from the printer, it was all worth it! Stay tuned for more news
21. jan 2010
The past year has been spent working on a new Forgetting Feet CD. “Birds Came Suddenly”, as this live album will be called, has now been mastered and the cover is currently in Thorsten Dennerline’s able hands. Thorsten also designed the cover for our two previous albums.
We are currently expecting to release the CD in early april. Stay tuned!
08. feb 2009
The dress was red
she ate popcorn without looking
the dress was white
The dress was black
she had the sky in her pocket
the dress was blue
The dress was green
she gave herself to her children
the dress was orange
15. okt 2008
Last week we secured funding to mix the live material recorded last month, thanx to DMF. Within the next few months, we will go back into the studio with Thomas Vang at the helm in Online Studio and hopefully have a new record for release in the spring of 2009.
Thanx to all you who heard us play and for your support. We look forward to playing for you again!
Forgetting Feet Cd’s can be ordered at your local music store (in DK, NO, SE), as well as online at Jazz Kælderen and
29. jul 2008
The Forgetting Feet website was temporarily out of order, but has now been fixed.
01. jul 2008
The two live recordings on this tour will be at Engelsholm Højskole and Den Rytimske Højskole. We thank KODA for funding the recordings and look forward to a release at some point in 2009.
Forgetting Feet Cd’s can be ordered at your local music store (in DK, NO, SE), as well as online at Jazz Kælderen and
29. maj 2008
We have decided to record one or two of our shows this year and put out a live album for release in 2009. It is now 10 years since Forgetting Feet was formed, so the live album will celebrate the past and the future to come.
Remember, Forgetting Feet Cd’s can now be ordered at your local music store (in DK, NO, SE), as well as online at Jazz Kælderen and!
23. jan 2008
Our tour dates are now set and a couple of gigs have been penciled in. Look for us between August 18-31 and September 1-7. Specific gigs are to be found on our concerts/koncerter page.
13. dec 2007
The Forgetting Feet tour is starting to take shape! Most shows will be in the last two weeks in august although not exclusively. Keep an eye for shows on our concerts/koncerter page!
23. nov 2007
Forgetting Feet has started work on new plans for 2008 and our 10 year anniversary that year. We hope to put together a tour and a new CD – the long awaited live cd! stay tuned for more…
26. aug 2007
Of All the Words has now been reviewed in several Danish media, including Gaffa(a 4 star review) and Jazz Special. The best review is in Gieger, which you can read HERE. Reviews are in Danish.
28. jun 2007
Both Forgetting Feet Cd’s can now be ordered at your local music store (in DK, NO, SE), as well as online at Jazz Kælderen and!
24. maj 2007
The release tour for our second cd, OF ALL THE WORDS was a success. We played four gigs and each one was entirely different from the other. Thanx to all the people who showed up to support us!
To those of you who couldn’t make it to one of the shows and still want to buy the new album, you can now order it at your local music store (in DK, NO and SE) or through Jazz Kælderen. Our debut album is also still available at these locations and at
25. apr 2007
Mark your calender! Chalk you boots! Forgetting Feet is proud to present the release of their second cd, OF ALL THE WORDS!
The release date is set for May 12th and will be celebrated with a concert at Christianshavns Beboerhus.
After May 12th: Forgetting Feet’s new cd Of All the Words can be ordered at your local music store (in DK, NO and SE) or at Jazz Kælderen. The acclaimed debut CD, Living in Forgetfulness, can also be ordered at
18. mar 2007
Forgetting Feet will be performing at LiteraturHaus on Møllegade 7 in Copehagen N on March 25th at 8 pm/kl.20 – be there or be □!
Buy the acclaimed debut CD at or locally at Jazz Kælderen. Either send them a mail with your request or for Danish speakers, buy it through their indkøbskurv (shopping cart)!
16. feb 2007
The new song from the AudioPoesi comp can now be heard on this site. The song is called The Contract. Check out our concert list, for upcoming shows!
12. nov 2006
Forgetting Feet will be appearing on a Danish compilation CD featuring collaborations between music and poetry.AudioPoesi – en antologi will be released on nov. 18th. Unfortunately and contrary to advertising, we will not be performing at the release concert in Viborg.
In other news, the music video for Cascade has made its way into the CPH:DOX documentary festival program as part of the compilation Mifune-Recycles in the sampling/remix program. Check it out if you’re in town!
10. sep 2006
Due to numerous requests, the painstaking time thief task of translating this site to English has begun. That is to say, the seed has been planted in this English news entry which is the first of its kind on this site – soon to be followed by others with the intention of translating other entries in other areas and eventually, the entire site… time permitting. So English readers, I beg of you, be patient. There will (soon) be more for you to read than these short lines.
In the meantime, check out our Lyrics, Sounds and Video which do not require an intimate knowledge of the Danish language to be enjoyed.
05. jun 2006
Egil er blevet inviteret til at indgå i et forskningsprojekt gennem Kanonhallen. UNITS, som projektet heder, fungerer som et mødested for 4 forskælligartede projektenheder der strejfer eller finder hinanden i et fælles forsøg på at afprøve grænserne i deres respektive fag.
I denne sammenhæng har Egil valgt at kigge på forholdet mellem poesi og musik. Han har fået penge til at lave en ny CD med Forgetting Feet, og til noget udstyr. Det vil sige at FF skal i studiet i september og oktober! Den nye plade kommer til at hede “Of All the Words”
KØB DEBUT CD’EN HER som i Jazz Kælderen er månedens CD og kan derfor købes til en særlig pris!
19. apr 2006
Planlægning til FF TOUR 2006 er i gang – holde øje med siden for datoer.
20. feb 2006
Forgetting Feet på Roskildefestival
FF spiller i Spoken Word teltet søndag d. 2.
Der er kommet nye anmeldelser som vi har lagt op på siden – de kan læses HER.
27. okt 2005
Ja, nu er det officielt. Debut-cd’en fra Forgetting Feet med titlen Living in Forgetfulness kommer på gaden mandag d. 21. november. Den er ca. en time lang, har en gæsteliste en meter lang, og en 16 siders booklet med Egils tekster og billeder sammensat af Egils bror, Thorsten. Tænk at det kunne lade sig gøre…
25. sep 2005
Forgetting Feets debut CD, Living in Forgetfulness, er næsten færdig! Ja, det har vi jo sagt længe efterhånden, men denne gang er det for real. Og i den forbindelse er vi også i gang med at arrangerer en turne i slutningen af november/ starten af december. Hold øje med siden for koncerter og den endelig release date!
22. jun 2005
Forgetting Feet video’en Cascade er netop udtaget til Roskildefestival i år, i forbindelse med Recycles og Cinema Roskildes program. Så hvis i er i naboladet, så kik ind og se videoen.
Jeg håber vi ses til vores næste koncert under jazz festivalen i København!
04. apr 2005
I disse uger har Anders og Egil allieret sig med Peter Leth (bl.a. fra Malkin zany og Slow Train) til at lave en af de sidste numre til vores debut CD. Nummeret er en cut-up af tekst og lyd fra hele pladen. Derudover har vi skrevet nogle små mini-numre der også klippes ind hist og pist. Nummeret bliver lavet i Peters super-jazz studie i Nordvest. Hvis i ikke allerede har set det under koncerter, skal vi også spille under Cph Jazz Festival. Christianshavns Beboerhus d. 10 juli, kl. 20.30 Kom Lars, kom Heidi – kom alle.
04. mar 2005
Vi skal til Tyskland og spille den prestigefulde Nordischer Klang Festival i Greifswald i maj. Desværre blive det uden Palle på orgel, men til gengæld har vi den fantastiske Thomas Vang med på bas! Vi ses i Tyskland…
16. dec 2004
Koncerten i Kanonhallen er afviklet og det gik super godt. Tak til alle dem der kom ned og støttede!
Pladen er færdig mixet nu, men vi mangler stadig den sidste sjat penge til udgivelsen. Den kommer aller aller senest i december måned 2005. Måske før. Thats a promise.
Og så bliver der selvfølgelig reception… Hold øje med siden for datoer!
12. okt 2004
I november måned kommer Forgetting Feet på plakaten igen, denne gang i Kanonhallen i København i forbindelse med en række eksperimenterende performance hele måneden.
Derudover er vi godt i gang med planlægningen af vores debut udspil, som vi håber at mix færdig i næste uge! Så mangler vi bare at finde penge til trykningen.
08. maj 2004
Være hilset og velkommen til den sprit nye low-cholesterol double king jazz Forgetting Feet website (comes with a side order of wow)! Feel free to touch the screen… Nu er den her – klar til brug.
Jeg håber i kan lide den! Well? What are you waiting for? Go on…